Houses of Worship & Business Security Consulting & Training

Threat Assessments

We can conduct and provide any House of Worship or Business, with a detailed Threat Assessment and provide recommendations to their current security plan or create a security plan, when there is no current security plan in place. We can provide the training and professional recommendations to achieve their overall goal of protection.

Create Security Protocols

We can recommend security protocols and assist in putting these into place, to create a layered approach in their overall strategy, to identify and deal with a threat at the earliest time and location as possible. Taking a “Soft” Target and create a “Hard” Target, making it more difficult for a person or persons to carry out a successful attack.

Active Shooter

We can provide an Active Shooter presentation to the staff and/or members through our BASE (Bystanders to an Active Shooter Event) Training Program.

We can also provide hands on Scenario Training with the above BASE Program.

Firearms Training

We can provide training and certification training in firearms and reoccurring qualification training.

We can also provide Intermediate and Advanced Firearms Training for tactics that will used in the event of a Critical Incident to be able to operate under a high stress incident.

We have our own training location that can assist in your every training need.

Defensive Tactics

We offer a Defensive Tactics system that is second to none to deal with any situation from a disruptive individual to an active assault or a deadly force encounter.

  • Principals of Escalation and De-Escalation

  • Defensive Countermeasures

  • Escort Techniques

  • Control Measures

  • Weapon Disarming

  • Knife Defense

  • Ground Avoidance / Ground Escape

  • Tactical Knife Fighting

Security Team Training 

For those with no Security Team in place, we can fully train your team and help them go operational and in place for the protection of your location.

For existing Security Teams, we can bring additional and updated skills for the entire team.

Close Quarter Defense

Close Quarter Protection is a different type of defense. It is up close and personal within a limited space and minimum time to control the resistance or aggressive action of an assault.

We will train you in a system that is the most practical, no nonsense and simplistic system that works very well under high levels of stress.

VIP Protection

The protection of a Principal (Very Important Person), where your primary role is the sole protection of that individual person or persons.

Responsibilities of a Professional Body Guard

You will learn Team Movement, as well as the roles or each position  and areas of responsibility.