
Ground Defense Counter Measures

With statistics showing that over 50% of all fights or assaults wind up going to the ground, we have developed the most practical and comprehensive ground defense system offered anywhere, Grand Master Welch has taken his over 38 years’ experience in teaching self-defense, over 20 years in training law enforcement, and his Expert Level in Krav Maga to create our Ground Assault Counter Measures Class.

Our principles and strategies are always based upon statistics. We only teach tactics based off of a training methodology that is realistic and practical. We spend the majority of our time training on what will more than likely happen in any given assaultive situation (Plan A), but we always train and have a (Plan B) as well.

Training in ground defense starts with learning how not to be taken to the ground in an assaultive encounter. We like to refer to as Ground Avoidance. We move on to the fact that in the real world, not everything always goes according to plan. That is where our Ground Escape techniques come into play. We teach you, not how to necessarily fight on the ground, but how to defeat your opponent in multiple positions while on the ground, and then to disengage and get back upon your feet. Standing on your feet is where you want to be in any fight, especially if multiple attackers are involved.

Our training methodology is based upon gross motor skill movement, which perform optimally under the stress of an attack.  And all of our training works for the ordinary person, regardless of your skill level, physical condition, size, age, gender or any other factor. You train yourself to what works for you individually.

  • Efficient training period. You can attain a high level of proficiency in a short period of time. The program is easy to learn.

  • Retention of training. Because the system is based upon common principles and natural/instinctive/ gross motor skill movements, you can retain these techniques with minimal review and under stress. 

  • Practical techniques. The core emphasis of this system is on effectiveness and simplicity. This real-world system provides realistic defenses against a variety of aggressive attacks, whether the assailant is armed or unarmed.