Become a Certified DRST Instructor.
Kingdom Elite Tactical now offers instructor level certifications in all five of our Dynamic Response Survival Training courses. These courses are the next generation of defensive tactics training.
The process is really simple. Just look on our training calendar for the next training class and follow the instructions to sign up.
These defensive tactics training courses compliments and adds to any previous training the professional has previously received. These courses pick up where all other defensive tactics courses finish offering more defensive control options against active aggression and deadly force assaults.
This is a professional certification offered to law enforcement, corrections, security, military, EMS, fire, educational, or any other professional organization desiring to train their own staff.
Each training course we offer is a standalone course which means you can train and certify in any or all the courses you desire in no certain order.
Instructor Courses are three days in length. You can come to us or we can come to you.
Courses have a minimum number enrollment of 12 participants and a maximum number or 36.
Pricing depends on many variables, so each course will have all the information for that particular course posted.
Upon completion of each course the Instructor will receive:
· Instructor Manual
· Instructor Certificate
· Instructor T-Shirt
· Training Knife (For the two knife courses)
In the modern-day profession of law enforcement, corrections, jail/detention officers, EMS, fire and security, things have really changed over the past few years. Attacks on Law Enforcement, Security Officers and all other professionals are at an all-time high and are escalating every day. Unfortunately, deadly force assaults are on the rise and are occurring nearly every day against our officers and security professionals. Our officers need a higher level of training in how to deal with these types attacks and our officers must know how to legally defend themselves. The defensive tactics systems of the past have always been enough, but today officers need a higher level of training.
This defensive tactics system provides you with additional techniques and options when you are fighting for your survival. You are defending against active aggression, which is physical actions of assault that could render you severely injured or unconscious, or deadly force assaults which has a high probability of serious injury and / or death.
Most encounters are much like ordinary social or business contacts. However, in many situations our duties may require us to exert control over people who will not obey the officer’s lawful commands and directions. Our good faith effort is always an attempt to gain voluntary compliance from subjects, but as we know, there is always the possibility of encountering different levels of resistance, requiring different levels of subject control.
Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the most skilled officer to gain voluntary compliance, we know that in reality this is just not the world we live in. Sometimes you will have to apply the use of reasonable force to achieve control and accomplish your legitimate Law Enforcement objective.
Kingdom Elite Tactical is a division of Elite Training Specialists, Inc. which is a research-based use of force training company that services the professional communities as well as the civilian industry. ETS, Inc. has developed the Dynamic Response Survival Training defensive tactics program to meet the needs of the modern day professional. In the ETS Dynamic Response Survival Training, you will learn when and how to use acceptable legal force to control the various levels of subject resistance. These techniques are psychomotor skills, which mean that they involve both the brain and muscle memory. For that reason, the techniques taught are all gross motor skill based which you can perform optimally under stress.
The Dynamic Response Survival Training system is dedicated to the advancement of defensive tactics that begins where most DT systems stop, and it fills in the gaps left by other systems. It integrates in easily with all other defensive tactics and only compliments that system by giving the professional techniques to combat the deadliest assaults. It only compliments other DT systems that the officer/ student may have already been trained and certified in through their years of training. We do not retrain the officer; we simply teach them much needed skills that add to their abilities to defend themselves or the public against deadly force attacks.
This system is ideal for everyone from the patrol officer, detention officer, security officer including special teams and units.
Dynamic Response Survival Training is based upon techniques and tactics that are taught all over the world to law enforcement, military, corrections and security services. This system has its roots in the Israeli Defense Forces. Agencies and Departments all over the US and the world are now teaching these techniques.
What Makes Dynamic Response Survival Training different?
Since the beginning of time there has been the need for strategic warfare. There has always been a very special group of individuals given the task of training warriors how to win and how to survive in combat. It is the only recognized profession that trains the student how to protect their lives or the lives of other people by gaining control over and conquering a combatant.
DRST is not just another police defensive tactics system based on traditional martial arts approaches that has been taught for years. It is a modern-day reality-based method of training characterized by the element that it works for all officers regardless of their gender, size or physical conditioning.
Survival skills must be performed under stress, so you must have a system that the techniques are appropriate for the arena of performance where the skills will be applied. The students must be able to learn these skills quickly and develop confidence in the skill quickly. The skills in this system are all gross motor skill based and very easy to learn.
Law Enforcement / Corrections / Security / Military Applications
HANDCUFFING: This training course does not instruct in handcuffing procedures or techniques, unless specifically requested. We understand that every agency and department already have their own approved cuffing methods that are established in policy and procedure. What this course will do is get the professional to the cuffing position where they can apply their approved method of cuffing.
EFFICIENT TRAINING PERIO:. Students attain a high level of proficiency in a short period. This training is easy to learn and easy to teach, and most importantly it is gross motor skill based, which means it works optimally under stress.
RETENTION OF TRAINING: Because this system is based upon common principles and natural/instinctive movements, students are able to retain the techniques with minimal review and the ability to perform them under stress.
PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES: The core emphasis of this system is on effectiveness and simplicity. This real-world system provides realistic defenses against a variety of aggressive attacks, whether the assailant is armed or unarmed.
PERFORMANCE UNDER STRESS: These training methods are taught at the static level of training first to introduce the student to the technique and to enable them to gain confidence quickly. The student will then train at the fluid level of training where the student will be introduced to a particular stimulus and will respond to that specific stimulus. This will create a conditioned response to a certain stimulus.
Training methods unique to the development of this system provide reality-based training designed to improve the operator's emotional and physical response to danger. These training methods develop the ability to identify threats at the earliest stages, react without hesitation, and escalate or de-escalate with the appropriate level(s) of force. Then the student will move to the third level of training which is the dynamic level of training where they will respond in real life scenarios just as a threat would be in the open motor skill environment of the real world. It is through these training methods that the professional will be able to react without thought with a high level of confidence.
“In a time of great crisis, you will never rise to the level of your expectations, you will always fall to your level of training!”
USE-OF-FORCE ISSUES: DRST enables operators to deal with the most violent offenders they encounter, while remaining acutely aware of reasonable use-of-force and civil liability issues facing law enforcement and military personnel. Dynamic Response Survival Tactics is 100% relevant to modem-day law enforcement because most agencies cannot afford the luxury of prolonged training courses for their personnel. All Use of Force and Civil Liabilities considerations and concerns are taught and addressed in this training. ETS supports the PPCT Resistance / Control Continuum and also supports all the documented tactical, legal and medical research of the PPCT system. The defensive tactics taught in this program will integrate right into existing policy and procedure on active aggression and deadly force assaults.
Instructional Methods of Training:
All Kingdom Elite Tactical training programs are taught to the student in these 3 levels of training.
Static: This is step-by-step and by-the-numbers. This is how you begin to build a neural pathway in the brain. You must build a “conditioned stimulus response”, a specific response to a specific threat.
Fluid: At this level, you begin to put the technique together with a response to a stimulus in a fluid / flowing manner at a “slow is smooth . . . smooth becomes fast” speed.
Dynamic: This is real world speed with no fixed or preplanned attack. That is why you must learn first at the 2 levels mentioned above. At this level, you must be able to perform without thought.
Our Duty as Survival Instructors
We must understand that it is imperative that we instill in each student the confidence required to encounter and defeat these threats. We will teach . . .
1. Warrior Mindset / Connection to Reality
As trainers, we have the responsibility to prepare our students mentally for what to expect when they encounter a deadly force threat. The effects of stress on the human body is one main factor. We must create in our student the mindset that they must win at all costs. Part of this mindset is giving up is not an option.
At Kingdom Elite Tactical, we stress to our students “In a time of great crisis, you will never rise to the level of your expectations, you will always fall to the level of you training”.
2. You must understand the “intent” of the attacker
People seem to forget that whether someone is trying to severely injure us or take our lives, both are qualified as a deadly force attack.
Even though it is hard to recreate an actual attack in training, that does not mean we should not at least do the best we can. After all, our students are literally trusting us with their lives.
When learning the basics of a system, the training must follow the form of an “attacker” and a “defender” being pre-selected. The moves are then choreographed to a certain degree to let the defender win. Then the roles are reversed. This builds motor skill selection and confidence in the warrior then, when put under stress in a more advanced training, they have the foundation to move into more fluid and dynamic scenarios.
3. Technique Selection
As survival instructors we must minimize the number of techniques and response options that are taught. The more techniques and response options that are taught for a specific threat stimulus, the slower the reaction time will be. We must minimize the response options and reaction time.
4. Motivational Factors
Motivating students to practice is as important as developing the technique. A student who is not motivated will leave a course of training without developing any skills. When we introduce a skill, we must immediately demonstrate the need for the skill. Then the student must believe they can learn the skill and immediately have a positive learning experience. By ensuring these factors are present in our training courses, we have motivated students that are eager to learn new skills.
Layout of the Course
We begin each level of the course with a classroom lecture discussing the concepts of situational awareness, reactionary gap/ reaction time, the OODA Loop, the effects of stress on performance, and the law and legalities and the legal aspects of the resistance / control continuum. We will discuss the warrior/ survival mindset and how to effectively read the threats posed in body language. Also taught are the principles of escalation and de-escalation and the appropriate use of each.
We will teach the use of force standards as set forth by the US Supreme Court, including deadly and non-deadly force. We will discuss the criminal and civil aspects of liability to the officer and to the agency; we will discuss the philosophy and mindset of combat and the physiological changes that occur within the mind and body during any close quarter battle situation.
This training course can be structured to meet the limitations or needs of any department, agency, or training center in a 16, 24, 32, or 40 hour training period. This course can be taught consecutively at one time or structured in separate levels taught at separate times.
*Instructor Certification Courses are also offered for each level.